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Friday, February 5, 2010

Weight Loss

OK, so now I am beginning to get back on track with my weight loss.  I took time off for the months of Nov and Dec.  It took me all of Jan just to get in the mood to begin the whole process again.  Wish there was a miracle time freezing component.  I don't mind working out.  It's just with two kids, four dogs and a FH that is in night school, it hard to find time.  I have started getting back on the boring ole treadmill. YEAH! Last Tuesday, I did my Zumba video.  I ready for it to get warmer so I can start working out with my fittness pole that is in the garage. It's just too cold right now, even with space heater in there.  Oh, I'll have the body I want when my kids get older and I have the time to excerise like I need to be.

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