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Tuesday, February 2, 2010


At the beginning of January most people set goals for the new year to accomplish.  I being a normal person, did the same.  The goal I set was not an impossible goal, or so I thought at the time. My resolution was to have more joy in my life.  Take everyday as it comes and be more happy, content.
 Now, after that said and done. I truly believe that some people believe their sole purpose in life is to make others miserable. I went from, everything gonna be ok. It'll work itself out. Don't worry about it. To, I'm gonna kill someone if they don't leave me alone!  Can't I just have five mintues to finish what I was doing? I just can't seem to clam that enter person that is screaming and yelling and irritating the hell out of me.  This goes from people who can not drive, to people that are just stupid, to I just don't wanna talk to your ass, don't you get that? Do I need a break? Yes, from everyone, including my family! Am I gonna get that? Not in a million years! So what do I say? I say that New Year's Resolution went down the drain. One month into 2010, to hell with trial and error! Bring on the firing squad!

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